‘Super Over’ returns for World Cup final

DUBAI : A ‘Super Over’ will be used to determine the winner of this year’s World Cup if the final ends in a tie, the International Cricket Council (ICC) confirmed today.
The tiebreaker, in which a team nominates three batsmen to face six deliveries from a rival bowler, was in place in the 2011 final but was scrapped in the lead-up to next month’s World Cup in Australia and New Zealand. ‘The ICC Board reinstated the use of a Super Over in the event of a tie in the World Cup final,’ cricket’s governing body said in a statement today.
The ICC is also allowing captains to enter the February 14-March 29 tournament with a clean slate regarding minor over-rate offences.
‘All captains will enter World Cup with no over-rate ‘strikes’ against their names and they will only be suspended from playing in a match if over-rate offences are committed during the event,’ it added.