Starved for funding

Twelve years ago, a lollypop was offered to the people of Bandipora district in the shape of a proposal for building district hospital. The work was started 12 years ago but when will it come to an end remains elusive. After some preliminary work, the construction of the hospital building stopped suddenly and then has not been resumed in last twelve years. Political interests and counter interests have caused this long delay and the authorities cannot do anything as long as political bickering remains in place. The people suffer. They have to take their patients either to Baramulla or to Srinagar district hospitals for treatment and that is not only an expensive but also a tiresome exercise.
Local people are at a loss to understand why the Government cannot take any decision and leave the matter to the discretion of the people who are having only vested interest. After all the Government cannot wait indefinitely for any project to be launched knowing that it is of much importance for the people. The common complaint is that owing to paucity of funds the project had to be temporarily stopped. We understand that there are liabilities which have not been cleared and the contractors feeling helpless have stopped the work. This is very strange that the Government announces a project and then winds it up half way because it has no funds. This is ludicrous and should not have happened. The Health Department must look into the matter and take all steps to ensure that resumption of work is ordered without loss of time.