Smart City Mission

Soon after Narendra Modi assumed the reins of power, it was given out by the media and some responsible members at the power hierarchy that Modi was interested in creating one hundred smart cities in the country. This rumour created expectations among many states and people that the scheme, if it goes through, might take their cities into account. J&K was also mentioned by media as one of the likely beneficiaries of the scheme.
There are reports that the State Government may not bid for any of the first twenty smart cities. No specific reason has been given why the State will not bid for the first 20 smart cities.
However, not to be left out altogether, the State Government has constituted an 18-member committee of senior bureaucrats and experts to prepare and approve online publishing of the ‘Smart City Strategy’ of the State and provide guidance/State level platform for exchange of ideas pertaining to the ‘Smart City Mission’, The Government hasn’t set any deadline for the Committee to submit its recommendations.
It cannot be said that no city in J&K qualifies for Smart City nor is it true that at least the two capital cities do not qualify for Smart City. We do understand the financial constraints but nevertheless the cities have to improve in a manner that these provide more and more facilities to the citizens. We hope the Committee will find a way out of how our State can become a beneficiary of this big scheme.