Simon Cowell reveals his biggest fear

LONDON, Dec 6:  Music mogul Simon Cowell says his worst nightmare would be outliving his two-year-old son Eric.
The 57-year-old star says becoming a father to Eric has helped him “understand on a much deeper level” how awful it must be for parents to hear their children are not well, reported Femalefirst.
“Now that I am a father I understand on a much deeper level how devastating it would be to hear the news that your child was unwell.
“Knowing you will outlive your own child is everyone’s worst nightmare and I am more aware than ever that it can happen to anyone,” he said.
Simon feels “lucky” to know children and finds the whole experience “humbling”.
“I like to go to hospices as often as I can and we have a tea party for the families at The Dorchester each year, to give them a great day out to remember. I count myself incredibly lucky to be able to be part of that and see how happy it can make these truly brave families.
“Days like that are always incredibly humbling. I’ve met some very young kids who have all sorts of very different conditions. It’s the spirit and bravery of them all though – the kids and the families – that really shines through and inspires me.” (PTI)