Sikhs from Baramulla join Apni Party

Altaf Bukhari with Sikh leaders who joined Apni Party on Saturday.
Altaf Bukhari with Sikh leaders who joined Apni Party on Saturday.

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Nov 19: A large group, representing the Sikh community from north Kashmir’s Rafiabad and Baramulla constituencies joined Apni Party, here today in the presence of Apni Party President Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari and others.
While greeting the new entrants into the party fold, Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari said that Apni Party stands for the rights and well-being of the J&K people, irrespective of their geographical location and religious affiliations. He added, “I am pleased to see that Apni Party holds members and leaders from all the regions in J&K and from the various communities. We stand for the unity of Jammu and Kashmir.”
Those who joined, included Surjeet Singh, Diljeet Singh, Surjeet Singh (Deedarpuri) Prof HS Balli, Sardar Baldev Singh (Rtd Principal), Sardar Manjeet Singh (Master), S Nirmal Singh and others.
Besides Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari, Senior Vice President Ghulam Hassan Mir, Chief Spokesperson Javaid Hussain Baigh, senior leader Yawar Dilawar Mir, Media Advisor Farooq Andrabi, District President Baramulla Khursheed Ahmad Khan, District President for Party’s Youth Wing Mohammad Irfan, Party’s District Coordinator for Srinagar Tanbir Singh Sodhi and others were present on this occasion.