Shortage of funds, lack of facilities affecting Sheeri School

A view of incomplete Government Middle School Sheeri Payeen in North Kashmir’s Baramulla District. — Excelsior/Aabid Nabi
A view of incomplete Government Middle School Sheeri Payeen in North Kashmir’s Baramulla District. — Excelsior/Aabid Nabi

Waseem Ahmad
Srinagar, Sept 27: Dearth of funds and lack of facilities is affecting education in Government Boys Middle School at Sheeri Payeen area of North Kashmir’s Baramulla district.
Located five kilometers from the Baramulla town, the school lacks basic facilities including space, electricity, playground and staff.
The school has 83 students enrolled with 10 teachers and another school, Government Primary School Sheeri Banpora with 53 students has been clubbed with the middle school.
As per teachers, due to clubbing of another school, the middle school is facing space crunch as there are only eight classrooms available for 136 students. “There was enough space for the school but due to clubbing of another school, we are facing shortage of space. Construction of another building for the school was started in 2007 but it was left midway due to lack of funds,” one of the teachers said.
They said the school has no electricity and is not equipped with the latest equipments. “At a time when schools are equipped with latest equipments like projectors, computers and laboratories, our school does not have even electricity. We have procured some equipments contributing from our own pockets. The school is in dire need of up-gradation,” the teachers said
A teacher wishing anonymity said that the school is surrounded by four private schools and they have to remain at par with these schools, so that the students are not dismayed. “We contributed from our own pockets and laid the concrete path in the school. We have procured even identity cards for the students which they keep hanging so that the students are not disheartened when they see students of these private schools,” he said.
The teachers also said that the school lacks playground and the students have to remain confined to the four walls of the schools. “Sports has an important role in the lives of students. We can’t always force students to be confined in their classrooms; they need a break from the studies. But lack of playground in the school is literally suffocating the students and it has a bad impact on their minds as well as on studies,” they said.
Mohammad Haneef, Zonal Education Officer (ZEO) said that the school has been provided funds recently for the maintenance, procurement of equipments and only a little amount is pending. “We provided an amount of Rs 70,000 to them recently for the maintenance and procurement of equipments. An amount of only Rs 50,000 is pending and that will be released soon. I will look into the other issues pertaining to them,” he said.
Haneef while admitting the lack of space in the school said that they have already conveyed to the school authorities to identify a land where a new building for the school would be constructed. Regarding the incomplete building, he feigned ignorance about the matter.