Sena stages protest against release of Lakhvi

NEW DELHI, Apr 11:  Shiv Sena today staged a protest against Pakistan here over the release of Mumbai terror attack mastermind Zaki-ur Rehman Lakhvi from jail, demanding that the neighbouring country should be declared a terrorist state.
Scores of protesters reached Jantar Mantar shouting anti-Pakistan slogans and burnt posters of Lakhvi and Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the Pakistani flag.
55-year-old Lakhvi, who guided 10 LeT gunmen from a control room in Pakistan during 26/11, walked free after being in detention for six years, a day after a Pakistani court ordered his release.
India described the release as an “insult” to the 26/11 victims and asked the international community to take note of Islamabad’s double standards. (PTI)