SIC, Jammu Varsity organize seminar
Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 27: State Information Commission in association with University of Jammu, organized one day Seminar on “Right To Information” at Brigadier Rajinder Singh Auditorium.
On the occasion, GR Sufi, State Chief Information Commissioner was the chief guest, who dwelt in detail on various provisions in the State RTI Act. He further said that RTI is a path breaking Law, which empowers the ordinary citizens to obtain the information to keep a check on the Government as well as public authorities.
Prof MP Singh Ishar, Vice Chancellor, Jammu University, in his presidential remarks said that the ambit of RTI has to be expanded to the private sector and environmental protection laws providing access to environmental information.
Dr SK Sharma, State Information Commission, who was the guest of honour on the occasion informed that the information can be acquired with in a prescribe time limit, by depositing specific amount of fee and writing an application to the appropriate authority.
Bandey Zain-ul- Abdeen and Huma Khan both from the Department of Political Science, Ambika Bhan, The Law School, University of Jammu, Apoorva Jamwal, Government Women College Parade and Abhinandan Singh from the Government College of Engineering and Technology, Jammu threw light on various aspects of RTI.
Earlier, Atta-ur-Rehman Natnoo, secretary, State Information Commission presented the welcome address while vote of thanks was presented by Prof NK Tripathi, Dean Students Welfare and Garima Chowdhary conducted the proceeding of the function.
Among others present were Prof Naresh Padha, Registrar, Prof Deshbandu Gupta, Director, College Development Council, Prof Kulwant Singh, Head, Department of Law, Prof Kuldeep K Sharma, Head, Department of Zoology, Prof Jasbir Singh, Chairman, Campus Cultural Committee, Prof JS Tara, Rector, Poonch Campus, Dr DL Chaudhary, Administrator, Jai Kumar, Joint Registrar, Finance, Dr Jatinder Khajuria, Joint Registrar (CDC), Vishva Raksha, NSS Coordinator, Rani Kumari, Cultural Secretary, Deans, Faculty members, president of various forums, scholars and staff were also present.