RSS terms as personal opinion Sangh leader’s remark on Delhi BJP’s lack of visibility amid pandemic

NEW DELHI, Apr 29: Days after an RSS leader questioned the absence of BJP’s Delhi unit workers on the ground amid the coronavirus crisis, the Sangh on Thursday distanced itself from his remark saying that this is not the official version of the saffron organisation.

Senior Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leader and its former prant prachar pramukh or publicity in-charge of Delhi Rajiv Tuli on Tuesday had tweeted asking has anyone seen BJP’s Delhi unit when there was so much of chaos in the capital due to the pandemic.

When Sangh’s national publicity in-charge Sunil Ambekar was questioned about Tuli’s remark, he said, “It could be his personal opinion but this is not adhikrit mat (official version) of the Sangh.”

However, sources said there is resentment among a section of the Sangh due to lack of visibility of BJP’s Delhi unit especially its officer bearers, councillors and MPs, on the ground when the national capital is passing through a nightmare.

Ambekar said the Sangh and its affiliate organisations such as Sewa Bharati are working day and night to provide relief in the affected areas and to the families.

On the initiative of the Sangh, 12 types of major essential works which include  telephone helplines, plasma donation, assistance in carrying out funerals, have been started on a priority basis by volunteers in many states with immediate effect.

With a spike in COVID-19 cases, the national capital is facing severe shortage of beds, oxygen cylinders and essential medicines, forcing patients to move from one hospital to another with bleak hope of getting treated. (PTI)