Excelsior Correspondent
UDHAMPUR, May 21: ReT Teachers under the banner of Jammu Kashmir ReT Teachers’ Forum today observed complete pen down strike in all zones of the district.
Almost all the ReT teachers of Chenani, Panchari, Ramnagar, Dudu, Ghordi, Udhampur and other zones of the district participated in the strike with full zeal and zest.
The ReT teachers are demanding rightful claim of their salary in the form of delinking of their salaries from the center budget to link the same with State budget which is a fundament right of ReT cadre, as State Government has issued the confirmation orders in favour of these teachers.
The Forum leaders including chairman of the Forum, FA Tantary and senior vice chairman, Bhupinder Singh, warned the Government of serious consequences if it failed to fulfill the rightful claim of SSA teachers. At the same time, Kuldeep Katoch, head of district unit of the Forum, appealed all the teachers of the district to participate once again at the protest to be held at all zonal head quarters on May 24.
Zonal president, Chenani, Surjit Singh Thakur, zonal president, Panchari, Surinder Khajuria, zonal president, Dudu, Charan Dass, zonal president, Udhampur, Sachin Sharma, zonal president, Ramanagar, Ravikant, zonal president, Kulwanta, Ravi Kumar and many other leaders of the forum participated in the strike.