Research relevant to J&K problems

The need of the hour is to undertake research which is related to the problems faced by the people of the State. This was recently stated by Governor N. N. Vohra, Chancellor of University of Kashmir, to scientists and researchers in the State Universities. He was addressing 13th session of the J&K Science Congress at the University of Kashmir. He clarified  the point  further by saying that he had been having discussions with the Vice Chancellors on those lines that unless the Universities- their scientists, humanists and all the teachers undertook research which was related to the problems faced by the people  of the State, they would  continue to exist as standalone institutions.
If scientists help the Government in resolving problems like the Tawi and Dal Lake pollution and problems of receding levels of ground water etc, they would be able to render invaluable support to the advancement of the welfare goals of governance.
The theme of the Science Congress was “Emerging Technologies and Human Society; Applications and Constraints”, and it was supported by the J&K State Science, Technology and Innovation Council, Department of Science and Technology Government of India, Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India.
Needless to add that annual sessions of such platforms as the Science Congress provide an opportunity to the research scholars and other scientists as also Humanists to meet, exchange the ideas, know from one other the immediate issues confronting the people in the State in areas like ecology, environment, agriculture, water bodies, human diseases, adulteration in eatables, plants, shrubs, medicines and the like and deliberate upon these issues with intent to offer time tested solutions backed by newer innovations, technologies and inventions. With reference to the world famous Dal Lake many species of fish had completely gone extinct due to increased level of water pollution of the lake and conserving and promoting fisheries should be one of the priorities of the scholars attending such sessions. The list is long and incessant efforts and research was needed. Even in Humanities, newer fields of interest with direct connect to the people, their culture, the changes in value endowments  etc needed to be peeped into and new ideas and solutions worked out.