Repression can’t restore peace in Kashmir: Soz

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Sept 19: Former Union Minister and veteran Congress leader Prof Saifuddin Soz has said that repression through the barrel of gun can’t restore peace in Kashmir.
In a press statement here the former PCC chief said that Union Govt has gone very wrong in not choosing the way for reaching the minds of the people of Kashmir, particularly, the youth who carry unrest in their minds. He said it will be quite wrong for the system not to reach their minds. The anger in their heart and mind has to be understood. It will be futile for the system to take the position that there was no need for any discussion and dialogue with the people who adopt the course of violence.
Soz further said, ” If the system of governance wants to work for the durable peace, it has to understand the cause of unrest in the minds of Kashmiris. No amount of repression through barrel of the gun can yield peace on ground,” he added.
The Congress leader pointed out that Lt Gen DS Hooda and many other Generals, besides the members of India’s civil society, have consistently been telling the ‘Delhi’s power elite’ that using force would never produce a solution on ground. Hooda has particularly warned the system that there was ‘no magic bullet in Kashmir’. He has warned further and stressed not to kill terrorists but the terrorism as that alone was an achievable goal.
Soz said Article-35A that provides various privileges to the people of J&K State is being contested by the RSS which is seeking abrogation of this Article through a petition before the Supreme Court. Many have shown tremendous solidarity for this cause (protection of Article-35A). He said RSS has always been consistent on two things. One is its clear angle on Muslims and other minorities; the second is its perception that Kashmir is an integral part of India and it needs no special privileges. This fact should be realised and countered.
He said the main stream parties must seek immediate abrogation of AFSPA which has brought death and destruction to Kashmir and deepened the alienation of Kashmiris.
Soz said PM Modi should see a writing on the wall and realize that he has to act, at the earliest i.e. before the ground situation compels the Kashmir mainstream to look beyond the boundaries.