Remembering the martyrs

On the 13th anniversary of the terrorist attack on the Parliament, parliamentarians and senior leaders led by Vice President Hamid Ansari paid glowing tributes to those soldiers and civilians who, while defending the Parliament, laid down their lives so that democracy of this great nation is preserved. Treasury as well as opposition members along with their seniors all observed silence in memory of the martyrs. This day reminds us that actually our fight is against anti-democracy forces that want our country return to dark ages of autocracy and Theo-fascism. The threat is not over as yet and we are pledged to fight it and uproot it lock, stock and barrel. Indian democracy is a hope and source of inspiration to thousands of millions of people across the globe. This great nation is expansively contributing to political emancipation of the deprived and downtrodden humanity. Our martyrs have shown us the path and we shall stick to it come what may. Let this be the message to those to whom violence is an article of faith.