Regularisation of engineers

The engineers in the society are known as nation builders but due to callous and indifferent attitude of the authorities , the engineering fraternity in the State is facing deep crisis and it’s members are morally demoralised and mentally shattered. The engineers of all the three wings of engineering services i.e civil, mechanical and electrical have been given step motherly and raw deal by the past Governments since decades. Most of the engineers are not regularised in their present posts of holding.Even engineers of the highest rank of chief engineers have been at present regularised only up to the level of the assistant engineers . The same is the repeated story of other posts of engineering hierarchy also. Most of the engineers although in gazetted cadre are basically regularised only up to J.E level i.e initial appointing post.
This is a sad and tragic commentary of demoralisation of otherwise hard working community and highly dedicated members of professional services. The engineers never sherk the challenges of development and maintenance of essential services.
The Government seems to belive in the act of adhocism. They have not formulated any time bound mechanism regarding the issue of regularisation of engineers.
The Government of the day should solve this self created vexed problem of regularisation of prolonged nature. The engineers are perhaps the only cadre in State Services whose above ninety percent members are working on lower graded posts with charge allowances. Majority of them retire on lower graded posts and this not only deprives them of admissible post retirement benefits but also affects their self esteem and dignity.
There is a need for speedy readressal in this grave matter,which infact is against policies of fair play and tenets of natural justice.
Yours etc…..
Virender Razdan
Bohri Patta,