Reforms in industrial sector

This has reference to the article ‘Rebooting the system of reforms’ DE Sept 21.
It will be in interest of the State, if the Government initiates reforms in the industrial sector.
This sector has not grown much in the last 25 years due to militancy and other geographical and political developments.
If a series of initiatives are taken right now, it will give a fresh lease of life to industry. First all power sector has to be improved considerably so that electricity is available to manufacturing units day and night. Incentives have to be extended to industry to enable them compete with other unit holders in other States.
There is urgent need to provide skilled manpower in the State, so that their services could be utilised in the industry. The dearth of skilled manpower is one of the constant worries in the State. The administration has to be industry friendly  in the manner that no unnessary obstacles are created in setting up of industries in the State. Banks should be asked to provide loans to enterpreneurs on low rates.
There are other measures which are needed to be taken up in promoting the industrial sector in the State.
Yours etc…
Sunil Sharma