Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 18: A general body meeting of the Jammu Pharmaceutical Distributors Association Jammu Province was held here.
The meeting was chaired by Rakesh Gupta, President of the Association. Ajay Gupta and Manmeet Singh Senior Vice President and Treasurer respectively were also present.
The House decided to dissolve the present committee of office bearers and re-elected Rakesh Gupta as the President.
The House authorized the President to nominate an Adhoc Committee of office bearers, to constitute a Committee and be given a week’s time to talk to the three ex-office bearers and five members of association who self proclaimed themselves as the new office bearers of an Association with almost a similar name without any GBM for the purpose of elections and sought out differences, if any and come back to their parent Association in the interest of unity of the Association rather than creating a parallel association.
The house dismissed the charges levelled by the parallel body of any mis-appropriation of Association funds as the payments made were through cheques only and to hold elections of the Association by December, 2022.