Quest for 4-G services

After more than a year, process on purely ”experimental basis”, 4G internet services have been restored in one district each in Kashmir and Jammu, viz Ganderbal and Udhampur. While we share the joys and aspirations of the people of these two districts of the UT, we are, however, bound to convey the feelings of the people from other districts of the UT to have their riddance from the snail ‘s pace of obsolete 2G services. Anything downloading consumes lot of time in watching only ”circles going on and on”, at times saying ‘nothing more of it’. Besides, all service providers are charging the same rates as contracted at the time when 4-G services, as a routine, were offered.
The above decision comes on the heels of the Government informing the Supreme Court, which is hearing a case in the above matter, that a committee constituted to look into the matter had considered allowing the facility on ”trial basis” in two districts of the Union Territory . If the “trial” turns out to be successful, the same could be extended to other districts as well. While we appreciate the concerns and limitations of the Government, if any, in the full restoration of high speed 4-G internet services, we urge for taking a holistic view of the entire situation and identify sensitive and non- sensitive areas so that non sensitive areas could not be made to suffer any more now on account of suspension of the 4-G services.