Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 29: Following a court order, Prof Dr Indu Kaul took over as HoD, Obst & Gynae, Government Medical College (GMC) Jammu, replacing Dr Shashi Gupta.
Dr Kaul was posted as HoD vide Government Order No 329-HME of 2018 dated 24-5-2018 and subsequent order of the Principal GMC Jammu vide order No GMC/18/order/386 dated 28-5-2018.
This order has followed after the rectification of the seniority of Dr Indu Kaul as Professor Obst & Gynae with effect from 1-4-2007 instead of 1-10-2009 and Dr Shashi Gupta as Professor Obst & Gynae with effect from 1-7-2011 instead of 23-04-2004.
Regarding the discipline of Obst & Gynae, it has been hereby ordered by the Government that Prof Dr Indu Kaul shall figure at serial number 1 and Prof Dr Shashi Gupta at serial number 2 in the category of seniority list issued vide aforesaid Government order.