Political parties in PAGD finding ways to get rid of each other: Bukhari

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JAMMU: Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party chief Syed Mohammed Altaf Bukhari on Monday claimed that the political parties in the Peoples” Alliance for Gupkar Declaration (PAGD) have been finding ways to “get rid of each other” following the recently-held DDC polls in the union territory.
Bukhari was speaking at a party function organised to welcome several prominent people, including retired deputy director, Indian System Medicine, Rohit Gupta into the party fold here.
“The truth has come to fore post the District Development Council polls…the PAGD leaders have been finding ways to get rid of each other. They had created a smoky screen before the public to mislead them but they have exposed themselves,” Bukhari said.
Seven mainstream parties, including the National Conference (NC) and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), have joined hands under the banner of the PAGD and swept the DDC polls last year by winning 110 seats.
The PAGD has accused the JKAP of using “nasty methods” to grab power in the valley by “hook or crook” by resorting to “witch-hunting and intimidation” of the newly-elected DDC members.
The JKAP had won 12 seats in the eight-phased DDC elections for 280 constituencies in November-December last year.
“The PAGD has misled the people and now they are not able to fulfil their promises. To avoid embarrassing situation, they are hiding from people,” Bukhari, a former minister, said.
On the contrary, he said that his party contested elections on the name of development, restoration of statehood, employment, protection of land and job rights in the union territory.
“We never played divisive politics. We want unity of J&K and brotherhood among the community for a prosperous society,” Bukhari said. (AGENCY)