PoJK Refugee Front protests for release of pending compensation

PoJK refugees protesting for release of pending compensation. -Excelsior/Rakesh
PoJK refugees protesting for release of pending compensation. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 28: Demanding release of pending compensation, PoJK Refugee Front today held a strong protest demonstration.
Carrying banners and shouting placards, the protesting PoJK refugee of 1947, 1965 and 1971 (camp, non-camp) accused the BJP Government of betraying their faith.
They lamented that Prime Minister Narendra Modi did not even mention about the plights of PoJK refugees in his address during recent visit to Jammu. Click here to watch video
“We had a faith in BJP and the refugees believed that this party would address their genuine demands and issues, but they ditched us,” said leaders of PoJK Refugee Front.
Listing their demands and issues, the protesting refugees asked the Government to release their pending compensation of 24 lakh, recommended by the Joint Parliamentary Committee and J&K Cabinet.