PK demands declaration of Pak as terrorist State

‘Recognize genocide of KPs’

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 12: Panun Kashmir (PK) has reiterated its demand of declaration of Pakistan a terrorist State to quell the long term implications of taking over of Afghanistan by Taliban and formally recognize the genocide inflicted on Hindus of Kashmir by Jehadis.
In a joint statement issued here, today PK convener, Dr Agnishekhar and its chairman, Dr Ajay Chrungoo said that both the steps are extremely necessary in the light of happenings in Afghanistan and the role of Pakistan in the whole affair.
They said the Jihadi takeover of Afghanistan and the open leadership role of State of Pakistan in this venture have created an imperative necessity to make the entire world to shift its focus on Pakistan as the primary epicentre of the global Jihad.
“ India is the worst victim of Islamist terrorism whose primary motor is the State of Pakistan,. Pakistani army has been providing crucial expertise, training, human and material resources for sustaining not only terrorism against India but Jihadi scourge in the entire world’’, they added.
The PK leaders said Taliban is a metastasis of the primary tumor of Jihad in Pakistan. When erstwhile Soviet Union entered Afghanistan to prevent its takeover by Jihadis they ignored the role of Pakistan. When US forces landed in Afghanistan to overthrow Taliban and Al Qaeda they again ignored Pakistan. The support offered by Pakistan to all forms of Jihadi terrorism has been a blind spot of international community, they added.
They said declaring Pakistan a terrorist State will serve as a critical intervention to remove the crippling fog that has blinded the opinion within India and rest of the world.
Recognising Genocide inflicted on Hindus in Kashmir is also a critical geo-political necessity in the present times including the creation of Panun Kashmir. Reorganizing further the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir by separating Jammu and dividing Kashmir in order to create a Centrally administered Union Territory on North and East of river Jhelum for the return and rehabilitation of Hindus will serve as a decisive blow to international Jihad, they added.