Pir Panchal holds mega cultural event in Swalkot

The local artists of Swalkot and adjoining areas being honoured after a cultural event on Friday.
The local artists of Swalkot and adjoining areas being honoured after a cultural event on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent

REASI, Mar 17: To boost the local talent in the hilly belt of Jammu, Pir Panchal a social and cultural organization organised a mega cultural event at far flung village of Swalkot in Reasi district today.
A large number of local youth and including members of civil society and prominent people took part in the function which was presided over by president of Pir Panchal, Ramesh Hangloo.
The local artists enthralled the gathering with their talent and performance. The officers of civil administration as well as civil society members termed it a great effort on the part of Pir Panchal to exploit the local talent and provide them chance for performance on a bigger platform.
In his address Ramesh Hangloo asked the local youth to be associated with their roots as people of J&K belong to a rich civilizational background and they should feel proud of their rich cultural heritage. He said it is our duty to keep our past legacy intact and take it to the younger generations as well.
Hangloo said the society which ignores its past and culture gets vanished. He said though J&K is a mixed civilization including Dogras, Kashmiris, Paharis, Gujjars and Bakerwals all have their distinct cultural identity and uniqueness. This peculiarity is strength of the people of the UT and forms strong bond of our society, he added.
He said artists have played a great role in enriching culture and strengthening intercommunity bonds and in the changing times they have to shoulder an added responsibility also.
He asked the people to follow the idea of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi that India first. The Pir Panchal taking a cue from this has launched a campaign all over the Jammu region.
On the occasion all the artists were honoured and presented mementos by Vijay Koul general secretary, Pir Panchal. The local leaders and members of civil society Abay Ram and Asha Devi also spoke on the occasion and highlighted the richness of the local culture of the area.
Girdhari Lal a well known artist managed the stage.