People of State always exploited by false promises of autonomy: Yaseen

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Jan 10: PDF Chairman, Hakeem Yaseen, today said that the people of State have been repeatedly exploited on the promises of restoration of autonomy but their interests were always bartered by these political parties despite getting decisive mandate of the people many times since 1947.
“He said today once again these parties are trying to deceive people in forthcoming elections by raking up autonomy restoration issue to regain their lost power,” Yaseen said in a statement.
While cautioning the people against machinations of these power hungry political parties, he said that history was witness how every time they bartered people’s mandate for securing their chair when they got an opportunity to forcefully and sincerely use absolute majority in the State Assembly for restoration of the State’s internal autonomy since 1947.
While recounting that historical blunders committed by these political parties in this regard, Hakeem Yaseen said that in 1975 late Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah abandoned peacefully going on 30 years Plebiscite movement under Indira-Abdullah accord and revived National conference to get chair with the external support of National Congress but the Government did nothing for the autonomy resolution.
“Then in 1996, a Government with absolute majority came into existence but it did nothing to get its assembly resolution approved from the Centre and it preferred to their Chair than to press for approval of the autonomy resolution passed by the State Assembly,” he said, adding had that majority Government exercised its will with sincerity, it could have been a great turnaround in restoration of eroded autonomy of the State.
“It was an irony as to with which face they now try to woe the people on the plank of autonomy to regain their lost power,” Hakeem Yaseen ridiculed adding that their report card is in front of the eyes of people and they are wise enough to differentiate between their friends and foes.