People of J&K will reject 3 dynastic parties in LS elections: Sood

‘Modi totally transformed J&K’

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 30: BJP co -Incharge J&K, Ashish Sood while exuding confidence that people of J&K UT will vote for his party and Narendra Modi in the ensuing Lok Sabha elections, said they will definitely reject the three dynasties which have looted the resources of the erstwhile State for decades together.
In an exclusive interview to Excelsior Sood said these three dynasties have made J&K their political fiefdom and gave benefits to their own families while ignoring and neglecting the common masses of the erstwhile State. He said BJP and Modi Government which works on the principle of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas has done tremendous development in the J&K especially after the annulling of controversial 370-35 A on August 5 in 2019. “Modi Government established IIT, IIM, AIIMS, Malls, constructed roads , highways, bridges and the party is hopeful that on the basis of development which was done without discrimination the BJP candidates will emerge victories on all five Lok Sabha seats of the UT”, he added.
He said the tourism got a boost in the UT which was neglected during the rule of earlier Governments. The Kashmir known as Switzerland of Asia was also neglected so far as promotion of tourism is concerned by these three dynasties. The hotel industry was not opened in Kashmir and Jammu region which too has a potential has also been neglected completely so far as promotion of tourism is concerned. The Jammu could have become an education hub but earlier Governments did not pay any attention to it. Why not IIT, IIM and other prestigious educational institutions could not be opened in Jammu earlier, he asked?
Sood said it was the Modi Government which created the new avenues of employment in the UT and UPA Government did nothing during its long rule at Centre. He said “In comparison to that the BJP has fulfilled its promises and what we said was translated into action on ground,. This is the reason that BJP has edge over Congress and other parties,’ ‘ he added.
The BJP leader said Modi did what he said and promised. He said Modi had said his Government will give houses to houseless and he did it. “We said we will ensure power supply to every village and we worked in this regard practically. Likewise under Kissan Nidhi crores of farmers were benefitted in the country by depositing the money in their accounts and in J&K 20 lakh farmers got benefit under this scheme, ” he added.
Sood said the rail link to Kathua was taken by BJP and it was inaugurated by PM Narendra Modi. He said “The abrogation of Article 370, Civil Code and construction of Ram Mandir were core issues for BJP since 1952 the days of Jana Sangh and we had made a commitment to the nation of implementing the same which we did”.
He said the J&K people were facing discrimination under its so called special status. The Balmikis, Gurkhas and daughters of erstwhile State were denied rights and we ended this discrimination. He said there is total change in the UT at present, the examinations are held in time and youth who earlier had taken stones in their hands are now taking laptops and on the basis of this transformation we hope people of entire UT will vote for us.
The BJP leader, while denying that his party is a communal organisation working against interests of Muslims said “With our positive approach towards all issues the people of J&K irrespective of their religion, region and caste have developed trust on us. This (calling BJP communal) is a label attached to us by our opponents. Modi Government does not discriminate with people on the basis of their religion, region and caste but it treats all alike. Instead we have created a new work culture in the country,” he added.
He said Modi was instrumental in changing the image of Government and country. “Our commitment is Sabka Sath Saath, Sabka Vikas and Sabka Vishwas. He denied that outsiders were given tenders of mining, liquor shops etc and said that the tenders are being called in a transparent way and anybody who gets the bid is allotted the contract. It is again these three dynasties who are spreading canards to mislead the people while transparency is maintained in all allotments and recruitments.
He also criticised Congress for making allegations that Modi Government is indulging in Tax terrorism and said that the party should come clean and have filed its returns on time instead of making baseless allegations. The law is for everybody and every political party so everyone has to abide by the rule of the law, he added.