Pensioners, senior citizens concern over price hike, corruption

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 26: J&K State Pensioners and Senior Citizens Welfare Society held a meeting here today in which the representatives of Jammu led by pensioners Welfare Association chairman Baldev Raj also participated.
The meeting while discussing the prevailing situation in the country and the anti people and anti working class policies pursued by both Central and State Governments said that the condition of working class, poor and down trodden people was become worst day by day.
The meeting was chaired by Mir Ghulam Rasool Butwani chief patron of the organization. He said there is a lot of public resentment over rising corruption and price hike which are eating the vitals of the society.
He said a particular section of people are ruling the roost and amassing a huge wealth by misleading the public opinion. He urged the working class to be ready for a protracted struggle.
Accusing the Government of suppressing the trade union rights, he said the working force was compelled to give two days strike call all over country recently. He said while on the one hand the Government was continuing its suppressive and oppressive policies towards working class some so called trade unions were also deceiving the working class for their vested interests.