Peace in Valley impossible till Delhi, Islamabad engage in talks: Farooq

NC president, Dr Farooq Abdullah addressing large public meeting in Khan Sahib area of Budgam on Saturday.
NC president, Dr Farooq Abdullah addressing large public meeting in Khan Sahib area of Budgam on Saturday.

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Dec 2:  Describing the claims of normalcy in the Valley made by the Central and the State Governments as contrary to the ground situation, National Conference president and Member Parliament, Dr Farooq Abdullah today said that   peace in Kashmir is impossible till New Delhi and Islamabad are engaged in dialogue.
Addressing a public meeting at Hardpanzoo area of Khan Sahib constituency in Budgam district  today, the National Conference chief impressed upon both, New Delhi and Islamabad, to initiate dialogue on all outstanding issues, especially that of Kashmir in a sincere way  to usher the sub-continent into a corrective era of “stability, mutual cooperation and harmony.”
“Those claiming things have improved in Kashmir after the mayhem, bloodshed and misery of 2016 are contradicting the reality on the ground in an effort to escape their own responsibility. The fact remained that our youth today are more isolated and alienated than ever before and feel hopeless and dismayed. We have left our youth disillusioned and disenchanted from the system as successive initiatives that were announced but left halfway. The lack of political will to engage with the aspirations of the people of Kashmir with a sense of seriousness and honesty has created an enormous trust deficit that has been further increased by recent betrayals and U-turns”, Dr Abdullah said.
The NC leader said both India and Pakistan are Nuclear powers and should acknowledge the fact that a Nuclear war is out of the question and hence engagement and innovative conflict resolution is the only option.
“Both countries have nuclear capabilities and arsenals. Those advocating violence and war are living in a fool’s paradise. There is no other alternative but to talk and take into account the practical limitations of both sides. The  conflict has inflicted enormous human, economic and political costs on the people of Kashmir and they deserve a resolution now – not 10 years or  50 years later,” Farooq maintained.
Expressing disappointment over the `state of misgovernance’ in the State, Farooq  lashed out at the State Government for ignoring basic infrastructural requirements and said people across the length and breadth of the State were suffering due to a Government that had decided not to govern but spend all its resources and time on photo-opportunities and theatrics.
“The state of chaos and confusion in the administration is shocking and unprecedented. Even basic needs of the people cannot be fulfilled. Roads are in shambles and our health and education infrastructure has been neglected in the past three years. Primary Health Centers are defunct and people have been left to fend for themselves – especially in far off areas with poor connectivity and accessibility. The electricity scenario is dismal and people are being subjected to unimaginable hardships”, the NC leader said.
Prominent among others who spoke on the occasion included senior leaders,  Abdul Rahim Rather, Nasir Aslam Wani and  Manzoor Ahmed Wani.