Parl Comm dissatisfied with NALSA services

NEW DELHI, Dec 25:
A Parliamentary Standing Committee has expressed dissatisfaction with the services provided by the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) to the poor and the marginalise section of society.
The Committee said the funds provided by the Authority were inadequate and recommended that the government should appropriately enhance grants-in-aid made available to it. It advised the Authority to explore other resources to raise sources for achieving its objectives.
The Committee has recommended that NALSA should expedite the process of digitisation and hardware installations under the department and achieve targets in a time-bound manner.
The 31-member committee, including Rajya Sabha Members Mr Majeed Memom, Mr Swapan Das Gupta, Mr Sukendu Sekhar Ray and Mr Tariq Anwar, Mr Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Mr Kalyan Banerjee and Ms Meenakshi Lekhi from the Lok Sabha recommended that periodic evaluations of the project be carried out so as to make timely intervention, if any, needed for completion of the project, as scheduled. In its report, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Demands of Grants (2017-18) pertaining to the Ministry of Law and Justice appreciated the use of Information and Communic-ation technologies in justice delivery system for benefit of litigants and court officials. It will also cut red-tapism, increase efficiency, transparency and accountability in the system. The Committee appreciated NALSA for enhancing the fee of lawyers and said it may revised periodically.
It appreciated the initiative of tele-law and felt that it will go a long way in delivering justice to the marginalised sections, especially in underdeveloped and backward regions of the country. (UNI)