Pakistani troops violate ceasefire in Poonch district

JAMMU: After a brief lull, Pakistani troops today again violated the ceasefire with India along the Line of Control (LoC) in Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir and shelled the forward areas, a police official said.
The shelling from across the border began in Khari Karmara area at 10.55am and continued for about an hour, the official said.
He said the Indian security forces along the LoC retaliated effectively to the Pakistani firing and shelling.
“There was no report of any casualty in the latest ceasefire violation,” he said.
Pakistani troops resorted to firing and shelling along the LoC after a gap of three days.
Last week, Pakistani troops shelled various sectors in the twin districts of Poonch and Rajouri between November 27 and 29. (AGENCIES)