PAGD wants special status to continue with their loot: AIBCU

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 10: All India Backward Classes Union has alleged that the People’s Alliance of Gupkar Declaration (PAGD) was fighting for the reversal of Articles 370 and 35-A, the pre position of August 5, 2019 for special status to continue with their loot of rights of public in general and OBCs in particular.
“PAGD partners must justify their social justice policy which they adopted during their respective regimes before August 5, 2019 in view of the non-implementation of Mandal report,” observed AIBCU during an executive meeting of the union, held under the chairmanship of its president.
AIBCU alleged that the PAGD always disrespected the apex court’s judgement of 1992 on Mandal report and Indian Constitution by making their own rules resembling with rules of Manusmriti to make maintain supremacy of upper castes inspite of the democratic set up and even did not implement the JK Constitution exhibiting muscle force ruling.
AIBCU also challenge the tall claim of Modi-BJP for the abrogation of Article 370 in view of deliberate stoppage of natural flow of justice in the Bill for abrogation of Art 370 which speaks the restoration of Reservation Act of 2004 at S.No:07 OM page 142 of the Bill.
“In view of the same policy of PAGD and Modi-BJP, both are agreed to implement Manusmriti ruling by stopping natural flow of justice for specific sections and allow every rule benefitting the general categories,” said the president.
“What is the reason with the Govt to implement10 percent reservation for EWS for general categories who were already getting 68 percent quota in one way or the other and not allowing reservation in promotion in the same Presidential order of March 1, 2019,” he added.
AIBCU appealed the Lt Governor to adopt all Central rules, including allowing 27 percent reservation quota for OBCs, implementing reservation in promotion and Atrocities Act for SCs and STs.
The meeting was telephonically attended by Basharat H Najar, Dr Javed Teli, Mohd Rafiq Ahanger Columnist, Mudasar and Bilal Shergujery, Abdul Hamid, Gurmeet Singh, Pridarshan Mehra, Shashi Verma Krishan Lal Fotra, Som Lal , Rajinder Sikka, M R Bangotra and Prof Kali Dass.