Over 13,000 perform darshan on Day 4 at holy cave

CRPF personnel along with sniffer dog checking at Baltal base camp on Tuesday.(UNI)
CRPF personnel along with sniffer dog checking at Baltal base camp on Tuesday.(UNI)

Shivlingam in full glory: Mahant

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, July 4: Over 13,000 pilgrims drawn from different parts of country paid obeisance at holy cave in the deep Himalayas in South Kashmir district of Anantnag on the fourth day of darshan from twin tracks of Baltal and Nunwan -Pahalgam today.

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According to reports, 13, 581 pilgrims performed darshan of naturally formed Ice Lingam of Lord Shiva in holy cave of Swami Amarnath Ji by this evening on the first day of auspicious month of Shravan. With this, total number of yatris performing darshan at holy cave during last four days since the yatra started on July 1 has touched 49,207.
The weather in yatra area right from Pahalgam and Baltal to holy cave was pleasant today and yatra passed smoothly via both the tracks.
Mahant Deependra Giri Ji while talking to Excelsior said that this year the Shivlingam is in full glory and he appealed pilgrims to come as early as possible to have the darshan of the Lingam.
Reports said that the rush of pilgrims is on increase and the both tracks are agog with festivities with yatris on way to holy cave and down are seen chanting “Bhum Bhum Bole and Baba Barfani Ki Jai’’.
Besides, over 120 Langars, hundreds of local service providers have installed their tents on both the tracks right from Baltal and Nunwan to cave shrine. In addition, hundreds of pony wallas and labourers are providing their services to pilgrims round the clock.
Reports said that Nodal Officer of Shri Amarnath Shrine Board (SASB), Piyush Singla along with DC Anantnag who is also the Yatra Officer held a meeting with officers at Panchtarni and reviewed the yatra arrangements and tentage facilities.
Meanwhile, a fifth batch of 6,597 pilgrims left for twin base camps of Nunwan Pahalgam in Anantnag district of South Kashmir and Baltal in Ganderbal district of Central Kashmir under tight security arrangements early this morning from Bhagwati Nagar Yatri Niwas here in a cavalcade of 253 vehicles.
Among them, 2122 left via base camp of Baltal in 93 vehicles while 4475 left via traditional Nunwan Pahalgam base camp in 160 vehicles. They had reached to their respective base camps by the evening where from they will proceed for their further sojourn early tomorrow morning.
Meanwhile, thousands of yatris from across the country and abroad are reaching here daily. The yatris were given a rousing reception by local people and BJP activists at gateway of J&K Lakhanpur in Kathua district today. The yatris were garlanded by the people on their entry in the UT. They also wished them a happy yatra.
Some pilgrims who had come from Nepal while talking to reporters at Lakhanpur showed their total satisfaction with the arrangements and hospitality shown by the local people. Two women pilgrims accompanying the group said they are totally thrilled with the love and affection shown by the local people and the arrangements seen at the entry gate of UT.
They wished to come for the yatra in future too to have the darshan of Lord Shiva.
Meanwhile, 3.5 lakh pilgrims have been registered online from various bank branches so far all over country. Besides, online, the Government has opened fresh registration counters in Jammu and Srinagar for the pilgrims.
As per official figures, 6171 off line registrations of Shri Amarnath Ji pilgrims have been done made in Jammu up to yesterday. Some social and religious organizations have, however, cautioned the yatris about the fake registration by some agents. VHP leader, Shakti Dutt Sharma said the Government needs to deal with such people under law who are cheating the pilgrims.