Oral Health Care

Dr Gautam Sharma
Every year, March 20, is observed as World Oral Health Day (WOHD) which aims to empower people with the knowledge, tools and confidence to secure good oral health.Oral diseases are a major health concern for many countries and negatively impact people throughout their lives. Oral diseases lead to pain and discomfort, social isolation and loss of self-confidence, and they are often linked to other serious health issues. Most oral health conditions are largely preventable and can be treated in their early stages.



Oral health is a mirror to body’s health and reflects general health and well-being.A healthy mouth and a healthy body go hand in hand. Maintaining a healthy mouth is crucial to keeping it functioning correctly and for maintaining overall health and quality of life.
This year the theme of WOHD is “A Happy Mouth Is… A Happy Body” and the campaign will continue for next 3 years.This theme offers a simple yet powerful way to capture the multifaceted nature of oral health in a concise and relatable manner. The 2024 campaign focusses on the intricate link between oral health and general health because “A Happy Mouth Is… A Happy Body.” This empowers everyone, everywhere to value and take care of their mouths and understand that by doing so, they can also protect their overall well-being. Avoid risk factors, adopt good oral hygiene habits and have regular dental check-ups to help protect your mouth and body.
The disease causing bacteria which causes dental infections can transport from oral cavity and spread viablood to cause infections in the vital organs of the body. Thus dental infections can be dangerous and can invoke damage to the various parts of the body.
Social organisations, schools, NGOs can contact IDA Jammu if they wish to conduct the awareness lectures and oral check-up camps
The common reason for occurrence of gum disease is infection due to bacteria which, if left untreated, may progress to periodontitis causing destruction of the supporting structures of a tooth.
The human body respond to these bacteria by activating an immune response leading to inflammation which is a protective response against the harmful stimulus. But when this inflammation is excessive then it may cause damage to the normal body tissues.Periodontitis is implicated as a risk factor in heart problems, complications during pregnancy, dysregulatedcontrol of diabetes, lung and kidney problems.
Bleeding during toothbrushing or after biting on hard surfaces like an apple, recession of gingiva, swollen gums and loosening or mobility of teeth may be the features of periodontitis. The margins of gum are red, puffy and swollen due to the adherence of a film known as plaque on the tooth surface. The film contains a lot of bacteria in its structure and if remain uncleaned changes into a hard structure called calculus which is visible as yellowish-white deposits on the tooth. In case, these symptoms are present then the patient must immediately report to a specialist doctor known as Periodontist who is an expert in treating diseases of gums and supporting tissues of teeth.
For maintaining good oral health, brushing twice daily with a soft bristle toothbrush is mandatory. Use of hard brush causes abrasion of teeth, recession of gums leading to sensitivity in teeth. Many people do not clean their tongue while brushing which is one of the top reason for bad breath from mouth, known as halitosis, as bacteria and food particles remain attached to the surface of tongue.
Use of dental floss protects a person from interdental caries which starts between the two teeth and one of the most common issue seen in the molars.Also, avoid consuming food which is soft, sticky and sweet, like candies, chocolates, ice-cream etc. Potato chips also sticks to the surface of teeth and causes decay as it is rich in carbohydrates.
Neglecting bleeding gums, mobile teeth, receding gums and yellow deposits over the teeth, may lead to severe dental problems. Visit your dentist every six months for routine dental checkup. Simple procedure like scaling can prevent the progression of gum infection to more severe periodontal infections.
The best practice is to visit a dentist every 6 months and getting the oral health evaluated, so that the dental diseases can be treated at an early stage and progression can be arrested.
Indian Dental Association (IDA), Jammu branch, will participate in WOHD 2024 by conducting oral health check-up camps, awareness lecture for public and distributing free oral health maintenance kits to the needy. IDA is disseminating the message and information regarding oral health through newspapers, TV interviews, social media etc to the public. Social organisations, schools, NGOs can contact IDA Jammu if they wish to conduct the oral check-up camps or awareness lectures.
(The author is a dental specialist (Periodontist) with the University of Jammu and also the President of Indian Dental Association (IDA) Jammu.)