Optimizing Financial Plans with Diverse Fund of Funds

Handling money and savings can look tricky with many investment options. Thus, to counter this, a Fund of Funds offers a straightforward way to diversify by bundling various funds into one basket. This unique mutual fund structure simplifies investing for beginners and veterans seeking to optimize financial planning.

Fund of funds mutual funds additionally provide instant diversification, professional management, and advanced investment strategies otherwise inaccessible to regular investors. So today, we’ll explore how they work, the types available in India, and some intelligent tactics to select good ones that can enhance portfolio returns over the long term.

What is a Fund of funds?

A fund of funds (FOF) is a mutual fund that invests in other mutual funds rather than directly in stocks, bonds, or securities. It’s a fund made of funds. In addition, the FOF structure aims to provide instant mixing and ease of handling compared to picking individual funds yourself.

Moreover, FOFs also let you diversify with one investment. Thus, the fund manager spreads money across asset types like equity, debt, and gold through selected mutual funds. Furthermore, this allocates across sectors, market caps, industries, etc. FOFs also helps to reduce the risks and potentially increase the returns.

Pros of Investing via Fund of Funds

These are the main upsides of fund of funds:

  • Instant diversification: You invest in many funds, assets, sectors, and securities with a single fund. Additionally, this reduces concentration risk.
  • Professional handling: FOFs also have experienced managers doing asset allotment and fund picking for you.
  • Simplified Investing: You do not need to select, track, and rebalance funds. This is handled by professionals.
  • Low investment amounts: Many FOFs have low buy-in requirements. This makes them reachable for retail investors.
  • Tax efficiency: Fund of funds have two taxation levels compared to direct equity funds, which have three. This also boosts post-tax income.

Types of Fund of funds in India

Some of the top fund houses offer various FOFs. These include:

  • Equity FOFs: Invest primarily in equity funds across sectors and market caps. They are suitable for long-term growth.
  • Debt FOFs: They invest mainly in debt funds of varying duration and risk profiles. They provide steady gains.
  • Hybrid FOFs: Invests in equity and debt funds to balance risk and return. It is mainly for diversification.
  • Solution FOFs: Target specific goals like retirement or children’s education via tailored allocation.
  • Passive FOFs: Invest in index funds and ETFs. It is helpful for low-cost passive investing.
  • Global FOFs: Provide overseas exposure by investing in foreign funds. In addition, it is helpful for geographic diversification.

Choosing a Fund of Fund

If you wish to get a good pick, these are some tips for picking good FOFs:

  • Check past returns over 3-5 years across various markets.
  • Review portfolio mix. Also, see allocation across assets and sectors.
  • Consider the expense ratio. In fact, lower is preferable.
  • Opt for FOFs from reputed fund houses.
  • Furthermore, match your goals, timeline, and risk appetite.
  • Don’t just chase history. Assess all factors thoroughly.


Thus, Fund of Funds enables the accessible building of mixed portfolios. They provide instant diversification, professional handling, and investment simplification. Moreover, by smartly selecting FOFs and holding long-term, retail investors can smoothen their financial planning and methodically hit goals. So, do consider adding this flexible option  to your investment portfolio!