Onslaught on J&K’s special position unacceptable: NC

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, July 14: J&K National Conference today asserted the State is facing a critical situation following attacks on its identity, saying the dispensation at the Center and the State is unbearably averse to the special constitutional position of the State.
Addressing various delegations of workers, party’s additional general secretary Dr Sheikh Mustafa Kamaal said the incumbent Governor’s sole agenda seems to axe all the vital institutions of the State.
“The Governor’s bent of mind can be gauged by his sheer aversion for the popularly elected Government. He has been sent to Kashmir to obliterate every remaining remnant of the state’s identity and uniqueness. Today, we see how an alien and laid back group of Advisors is playing shots in the state. The majority population is being pushed to wall. The Muslims of the State are feeling alienated in their own State. The aversion the current administration has for the majority population of the state is explicitly visible in the decisions of the SAC.
Kamaal said present administration has set a trend in motion of unseating Muslims from prestigious position. Ever since the state has come under the direct rule of the Center, no chance is let go unutilized of unseating Muslim Heads of Departments. “I wonder if a pattern can be replicated in other States. No one can even dare to visualize having all the top brass of officials in a state like UP, Maharashtra from a minority community. This is adding to the anxieties of already restive and sad people,” he said adding, “it also shows the sheer degree of suspicion the New Delhi holds for Kashmiris.”
He said that the Modi Government’s new road map focused on recasting the socio-political and administrative setup in the State that is bereft of any representation from the majority community of the state. “Not just that the unemployment rate in India is at its all time high, the data from various reliable quarters reveal that it is 45 year high. The unemployment ratio in the State far exceeds even that of the country.
Exuding confidence into the workers, Kamaal said the situation in the State is very crucial in wake of numerous onslaughts on its special constitutional position. “The forces as are inimical to the identity of the state are using various means to dent the identity of the State. It is the Muslim majority character of the state that has traditionally irked communal forces of the country. Now that we have an erstwhile fringe ruling the roost, we have to be extra cautious about our special status. How badly the Central Government predisposed is against the interests of the state, the occasional diatribes of the Central Cabinet ministers against Art 370, Art35-A is not hidden from anybody, Kamaal added.