NYPD officers

This has reference to the article ‘NYPD-like officers needed on Jammu roads’ DE Aug 20.
Keeping in view the chaos and prolonged traffic jams on Jammu roads, the suggestion put forth by the writer is worth considering.
The public does not enjoy a working relationship with Traffic police. There are mutual suspicions between the two. The public feels that Traffic Police does not perform its duty upto its expectations, while the police feels that public does not cooperate with it in regulating traffic. The gap so existing can be bridged if a police force on the pattern of NYPD takes shape in the State. There is urgent need to revamp the Traffic Department to ensure smooth traffic on the roads. It has been reported that the Department has shortage of manpower and it becomes a hurdle in its working. To overcome this problem, the Government must recruit more personnel who are honest  and competent.
Yours etc…
Madan Lal Sharma