No foreign country has right to interfere in India’s internal matters: Naidu

NEW DELHI: Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu on Wednesday said no foreign country has the right to interfere in the internal matters of India, and this message should be sent out loud and clear.
He said this in response to a mention by Shiv Sena MP Anil Desai of the resolution in the European Parliament against the amended citizenship act.
Raising the issue in the House in the morning session, Desai suggested that a resolution should be passed that India will not tolerate any interference from other countries in its internal matters.
Naidu said no other country has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of India.
“I want to make it very clear, as Chairman of the House and also as Vice President of the country, whatever issues are there, Indian Parliament is a sovereign authority to discuss and decide.
“Outside countries have no right to interfere in our internal affairs,” Naidu said, and added other countries should take care of their own respective matters.
He wondered whether those countries would like if Indian Parliament discusses issues like Brexit.
Six political groups of members of European Parliament had moved a joint resolution against the Citizenship Amendment Act, calling it discriminatory.
The European Parliament had, however, decided not to conduct a vote on the resolution during its new session beginning March 2. (AGENCIES)