New housing policy and slum development scheme on anvil: Govt

NEW DELHI, Dec 10:  A new housing policy is on anvil as the Government is working on a long-term plan for slum development and rehabilitation in urban areas and creating infrastructure for basic amenities for people in rural areas, the Lok Sabha was informed today.    Responding to supplementaries during Question Hour, Urban Development Minister M Venkaiah Naidu lauded shelter and slums development schemes being implemented by state Governments in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat.    He said, ‘Seeing the prevailing trend of migration from villages to urban areas a serious and long term plan is needed for focusing on creation of more infrastructure and basic amenities in rural areas and comprehensive slum development and rehabilitation scheme.’    He added, ‘Our Government is already working on evolution of the scheme and new housing policy, the Maharashtra Government has been doing good work for slum development and rehabilitation, the Tamil Nadu Government has also done good work in this regard and now Gujarat has started working on it.
‘I have studied these schemes, a scheme and policy at the Central level is being evolved and soon the same would be taken up before the Cabinet.’
Replying to another supplementary, the Minister refuted the ‘blanket allegations’ about rampant corruption and delay in the DDA working and allotment of land and poor quality of the works being done by it.
Mr Naidu said there might be certain lacunae but the DDA has indeed been played a laudable role in urban development and that did not deserve such blanket observation.(UNI)