NC, PDP looking towards separatists for political survival: Sethi

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 5: While Congress is directionless in the State and there is apparently race between People Democratic Party (PDP) and National Conference (NC) to sit in the lap of separatists for political survival ,having lost the connect with People, the only hope for the people of the State is Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) which has always shown the way for good governance and absolute commitment to Nationalism . This was stated by BJP State chief spokesman, Sunil Sethi in a statement here, today.
He said other regional dispensations are just non starters and have become meaningless in emerging political scenario in the sensitive State .
Sunil Sethi said that people can have glimpse of good rule which BJP can provide on its own from the good work being done by State administration under Governor / President rule where the Party running Central Government is in a position to provide greater all round development to the State .
He said the State is reeling under lack of growth and development for so many decades and though BJP was alliance partner in last Government but it couldn’t deliver to the people the way it would have liked to because of Alliance compulsions and lack of leadership quotient with PDP after death of former Chief Minister Mufti Mohammed Sayeed. This time Bhartiya Janata Party has wider acceptability in Kashmir and Ladakh also and it is likely to come to power on its own thereby getting opportunity to serve people and ensure equitable growth to all regions .
Sunil Sethi laid stress that having control on large number of Muncipalities and Panchayats in areas where earlier the party was not having significant presence has opened room for party winning Assembly elections from there. The propaganda of Kashmir based political parties and groups that B J P and RSS are untouchable politically and that they will divide society has been proved false in the court of public . The public in Valley has also realised that what had been fed to them about BJP and RSS is absolutely is false. They have realised that BJP is interested in growth of all irrespective of Religion or Region, Caste or Creed , Language or Culture.
He further welcomed the decision of State Administrative Council in sanctioning new power project which will rewrite the growth of state , of increasing the income for backward classes to 8 Lakhs to extend benefits to deserving masses and providing 186 crore for rejuvenating Devika and Tawi river in Udhampur .