NC has no right to accuse BJP of ‘divisive’ politics: Brig Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 7: Though people no more take Dr Farooq Abdullah seriously, yet he continues to issue statements in the hope that the sinking boat of his dynastic party NC may find some sympathisers who are willing to take it to the shore. His tirade against Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is driven by the fact that Modi Government has ignored the Abdullahs to such an extent that they are engulfed with frustration and desperation, said Brig Anil Gupta, State spokesperson of BJP in a statement issued here, today.
“The ever declining vote share coupled with abhorrence for his party by the Kashmiri youth and rising graph of BJP has shaken Farooq Abdullah so badly that his statements often tend to be irrational and illogical,” said Brig Gupta.
Reacting sharply to Farooq’s charge against BJP for “mastering communal divide within India,”Brig Gupta said, “If protecting the interests of the majority is “divisive politics” according to Farooq then what would he term the NC-Congress vote bank politics which is based on playing with the sentiments of Hindus against Muslims and the sentiments of Muslims against Hindus?” “NC has mastered the art of playing Muslim card in Muslim area of the State and Hindu card in Hindu areas to mislead the voters without any regard for people and the nation”, he added.
Brig Gupta reminded Dr Farooq that NC has no moral authority to accuse BJP of “divisive” politics since the party under his father Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah was the harbinger of communal and divisive politics in J&K which is being pursued by his heirs assiduously. From ‘Quit Kashmir’ movement to ‘Greater Autonomy’ every move of NC has been communal and divisive. Carving of Muslim majority districts of Doda and Kargil, dividing Jammu region on communal lines into Chenab Valley and PirPanjal region, changing the names of towns and villages including historical monuments in Kashmir, demographic invasion of Jammu, expulsion of Kashmiri Pandits, Roshani Act, neglect of Sufism, J&K Re-settlement Act and J&K Permanent Residents (Disqualification) Bill 2004are some of the examples of “divisive” mind-set of NC and Abdullahs, claimed Brig Gupta.