Nature’s fury

The unfortunate incident of heavy downpower coupled with cloud brust in Uttarakhand in toto and especially in valley of  holy Shrine of  Kedarnath during the 3rd week of June, 2013 is not less  than trailer of Parlaya, during which more than 90 Sarai buildings and 60 villages around Kedarnath holy temple stands completely washed away as per electronic media. Since as per print media and electronic media, Saria buildings were totally filled up with pilgrims as such the death toll is expected to reach more than 20,000 souls. Who is accountable for it is simple primary question? Forecasting of weather a couple of days before is not sufficient to avoid such huge catastrophe. The reason behind such unfortunate incident is deforestation of area, alarming mining of mountains on the name of providing road connectivity to far furlong areas without applying mind. The unfortunate incident may be considered as eye opening for administration especially in North Eastern hilly states. The widening of highway and construction of express corridor especially in a belt from Nagrota to Jhajjar Kotli and upto Udhampur by completely deforesting of area and carving a number of tunnels besides cutting huge mountains may also possibly create such unfortunate incidents in States of J&K as well and if same process is continued beyond Udhampur upto Patnitop and across, the adverse results can’t be ruled out. As such, time has come that Intellectuals/Experts from various fields should apply their mind, devise and find out new ways and means by which New Connectivity provided to left out habitants without damaging natural and ecological balance of particular area to avoid reoccuring of such incidents. Besides this, the process of restricting waterway of natural nallahs in hilly areas and encroaching upon land reclaimed, thereafter henceforth be stopped. No construction be allowed atleast 50 to 100 mts from edge of natural watering boundary. The combined efforts of Government supported with locals of area can atleast reduce occurring of such unfortunate incidents if not possible to avoid.
A cooperation from all human beings is solicited to keep race of mankind in intact on this earth by positive thinking and applying mind in right direction.
Yours etc…..
Ashok Gandotra
Shiv Nagar, Jammu