Namgyal is new CEC LAHDC Leh

DC Leh Avny Lavasa presenting certificates of election to CEC and Dy CEC Leh on Friday.
DC Leh Avny Lavasa presenting certificates of election to CEC and Dy CEC Leh on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent
Leh, Nov 9: Jamyang Tsering Namgyal, Councillor Martselang was today elected unopposed and unanimously as the new Chairman/CEC of LAHDC, Leh at Council Assembly Hall today. Gyal P Wangyal, Councilor Sakti was elected unopposed as the Deputy CEC, LAHDC, Leh.
CEO, LAHDC/DC Leh, Avny Lavasa, who is also the Election officer declared the results after two proposals each for CEC and Dy.CEC was accepted unopposed by all the elected members of 5th Hill Council.
After the results, the DC presented winning certificates to the newly elected CEC Jamyang Tsering Namgyal and DyCEC Gyal P Wangyal.
Addressing the house, CEC, LAHDC Jamyang Tsering Namgyal said that with the attainment of new post of CEC, he has been made accountable for bigger responsibilities. He said that his priority would be to set up good governance through LAHDC and to stress on holistic and equitable development in the district.
He said, “I’m young in age, education and experience in terms of my political career but I’m determined to commit myself to the services of people taking everyone together without any differences.”
He assured to put his best efforts to stand by everyone’s expectations and urged all the elected Councilors, administration and public to support him in taking Leh district to a new height of development.
He expressed gratitude to all the elected members with special honour to ex-CEC Dorjey Mutup by presenting Khataks. He said that Dorjey Mutup has been an exemplary leader for his honesty, sincerity and dedication towards people’s welfare and stands as an inspiration to the young aspiring leaders including him.
MLC, Legislative Council, Chering Dorjey, State BJP party president Ravinder Raina, SSP Sargun Shukla, ADC Moses Kunzang, district officers and BJP party workers were also present on the occasion.