Returns & Rehabilitation

This refers to news item Dr. Jitendra Singh’s assertions at the award function organized by Pandit Premnath Bhat Trust. (DE 18 Oct). Pandit IDPs and Dr. Singh know each other very well. What he said as Dr. Jitendra Singh was sublime; what he said as part of the establishment was the other side. He very forcefully exhorted the IDPs to intensify raising the slogan of “Pandits will return.” He is a well-wisher of Pandits.
As a senior community member, I would humbly like to put a question to the Internally Displace Community of Pandits, one and all. I raise the question in the background of current ground situation in Kashmir, in the country, and in the region. In fact, this question was raised by one brave heart among the audience in the function. The question is this: Do you think that the State and the Union Government or regional/national political establishment of whatever denomination, is sincerely interested in our return and rehabilitation in accordance with our needs and requirements? If yes, why has it not materialized in twenty-six years of our exile? If not, then what rationale is there for us to stick like a leech to the slogan of “return and rehabilitation”? Is return and rehabilitation a core issue of IDPs? If it is the core issue, why Pandit groups departed from the valley intermittently right from medieval times to present day, except for one hundred years of Dogra rule over the State and never made a mission or move or returning?
Yours etc….
K.N. Pandita