MoS for Defence visits Siachen Glacier, Eastern, Western Ladakh

SRINAGAR: Minister of State (MoS) for Defence Dr Subash Bhamre visited forward posts of Siachen Glacier, Eastern and Western Ladakh during his two-day visit, a Defence Ministry spokesman said here this afternoon.

     MoS alongwith Lt General PJS Pannu, Corps Commander of Fire and Fury Corps and Sambhaji Shahu Chhatrapati (MP Rajya Sabha) visited the forward posts on July 15 and 16.

     During his visit to  the forward posts, an altitude of 17000 ft and above on Line of Actual Control and Siachen Glacier, he was briefed on the security situation.

     He interacted with the troops over a cup of tea. He appreciated the efforts put in by the soldiers in safeguarding the borders in such hostile terrain.

    He said that the enormous task of being deployed at minus 40 degrees was unimaginable for the civilians. He assured the soldiers that their interests were paramount in the heart of the entire nation and the Government was sensitive to all the issues pertaining to them.

     During his visit to Kargil, the Minister was welcomed by the District Administration.He also witnessed the cultural programme put up by NGOs and school children.

     He awarded the Kargil Gaurav Award to prominent people from all walks of life.  He had a close look at the harsh terrain where the Indian Army’s brave soldiers fought during Operation Vijay 1999. Visiting Tololing, Tiger Hill and Batra Top, he commended the soldiers.

    He said that soldiers deployed on the borders were the real heroes of the nation.

     He assured them that a mechanism would be setup at the Ministry of Defence to address the problems of soldiers relating to their families back home.

     The Minister commended the alertness of all the troops deployed along the LoC. He also paid homage to martyrs at Kargil War Memorial.  (agencies)