Modi coronation

The BJP decision to coronate Modi as head of election campaign for 2014 has created ripples in the political circles. BJP as organisation also experienced powerful tremors with the resignation of veteran leaderAdvani as it revealed the underbelly of their top brass. It will be no exaggeration to term it as serious indiscretion on the part of the people who vouch safe the ideal of “nation first.” It is not that Modi shall be enabled to wield a magical stick emitting the vibrant energy of  hypnotism to mould saner people of different ideologies into a single sock solid unit to engineer the process of national upliftment and renaissance. The episode is reflective of the mindset to stick to status quo and resist change for nation’s pride and prosperity. Simply by nominating Modi as chief of the electoral campaign, it is not guaranteed that BJP will muster enough numerical strength to form the Government at the Centre on their own bolstering the claim of Modi for PM’s slot, albeit it may provide a lever to Modi to cleanse that slut in the organisation. BJPs lofty claim of a party with a difference already stands demolished. The incident in focus would be a lasting push to the lowest ebb. This is no healthy politics. Advani panics and crashes into resignation to the embarrassment of party president.
Congress and other detractors get plenty of ammunition to fire at BJP. Flurry of damage control activity got triggered to motivate Advani  for reversal of his intenational folly; ultimately he relaxed and changed his rigid stance but not  before the organisation had suffered a nasty blow. This volte-face was reportedly made possible with forceful but belated intervention of RSS. If as seen over the years BJP is practically a component of Sangh Parivar, they will be well advised to exert God fatherly influence to keep indiscipline and lust for self aggrandisement under air tight check otherwise their movement of character building would suffer  cascading setbacks. Status quo-ism and defeatist mental outlook on the part of politicians is the start reality. Nobody is in a mood to listen to the public voice, especially youth who clamour for soothing change in the system. There is not dearth of good people and men of action in the country but the vested interests of politicians controlling the system discard them as misfits. National interest is subservient to self interest and hostage to money mania syndrome.
In the name of pseudo secularism, unholy political alliance which have become tools of reaping the personal gains, men of vision and action are relegated to the background. NDA and UPA have been given a fair chance to prove their effectiveness but the storm of degradation is not changing course. Elections after every 5 years interval are not a religious rituals but a process to elect best of the stuff for inspirational governance. This is not happening. Politicians already tested and proved as damp squib have to be relieved from the driving seat to enable the nation to negotiate the stiff challenges ahead.
Yours etc….
P C Sharma
Trikuta Nagar, Jammu