Militant killed, operation continues in central Kashmir

SRINAGAR:   A militant was reportedly killed in an encounter with security forces in the central Kashmir district of Badgam on Monday, official sources said.

They said on a tip-off about the presence of militants security forces and Special Operation Group (SOG) of Jammu and Kashmir police at Zuhama, Badgam.

However, when the security forces were moving towards particular area in the village, militants hiding in there opened indiscriminate firing with automatic weapons.

Security forces also retaliated ensuing a fierce encounter, they said. Sources said a militant was killed and firing was still going on. The body of the militant has so far not been recovered, they said.

Additional security forces and state police personnel had been deployed outside the cordon off area to prevent any demonstration, they said, adding the operation was going on when the reports last came in. (agencies)