Migrants protest, block Highway at Jagti

Migrants blocking highway at Jagti.
Migrants blocking highway at Jagti.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 18: Irate inmates of Jagti held a massive protest this evening and blocked the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway against Government order to charge electricity tariff to Kashmiri migrants.
The protest was organized by All Party Action Committee Migrant Camp Jagti Township in which men women and children in large numbers took part.
The protestors blocked the National Highway for about two hours in the evening, disrupted movement of vehicles and raised slogans against the charging of power tariff on migrants. They demanded that the PDD should immediately revoke the order as the migrants mostly dependent on cash doles are unable to pay the power tariff as they are unable to make their both ends meet on this meager cash assistance.
Earlier the inmates of the township assembled in the Sugar Park, Jagti where from they took out a march to National Highway and blocked it for two hours.
Later the blockade of Highway was lifted on the assurance of Camp Commandant Jagti and local Police officers who assured them to arrange a meeting with district administration and PDD authorities tomorrow. The migrants however have warned that in case the issue was not settled they will launch a forceful agitation.