MIET School of Management organizes lecture on ‘Leadership’

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 19: MIET School of Management organized an online distinguished guest lecture on ‘Leadership’.
Prof. Himanshu Rai, Director IIM Indore was the distinguished resource person and he interacted with MBA students on ‘Leadership’ and focused on the concept that ‘one should realize his/her destiny’ and the factors that stop one from achieving one’s goal.
He talked about certain fears like fear of money and said it is merely an instrument but more important is what you want to do with that money.
The second fear which he talked about was the fear of failure. He motivated the students by saying that failure occurs when one stops trying and failure is the foundation on which the stairs of success are build.
The third fear which he emphasized was the fear of success.
Prof. Rai said that one should not live up to the expectations of others.
“Live your life on your own expectations and feel pride in coming up to your expectations,” he maintained.
The next fear which he discussed was the negative thinking. He advised that one may listen to the views of all and do what is analytically good for one.
He concluded the session by saying ‘Don’t worry too much about good or bad, focus on the difference between right and wrong.
He said, past may belong to those leaders who did things well but future will belong to those leaders who not only do things well but also do the right things.
The session was highly motivating and encouraging which was attended by all MBA Faculty including the HoD. Many interesting questions from the students were answered to their full satisfaction.
Earlier, Prof Ankur Gupta, Director MIET, welcomed the guest speaker.
The proceedings of session were coordinated by Dr Ankita Nanda, Associate Professor and finally the formal vote of thanks was presented by Professor B.C Sharma, Dean Placement MIET.