Menace of eve teasing

Over the past some time,there have been many disturbing reports of girls having been teased and molested in our country. Our State is no exception. As such we can’t afford to be complacent and it is the responsibility of the Government and every responsible person to do everything to protect our womenfolk from the unscruplous elements of the society.Often it is seen that some vagabonds and unscruplous elements gather in large number at the bus stops,tuition centres,gates of women colleges and girls schools and pass obscene remarks and show lewd gestures at the girls passing by these places.Though many cases of eve teasing go unreported,eve teasing is a serious problem and dehumanising act of intruding into the privacy and sanctity of a woman and violating her dignity, which results in severe psychological problems to the victim.The antisocial and mischievous elements may also indulge themselves in eve teasing in crowded buses, malls, Railway Stations, fairs, cinemas etc.It is, therefore, the duty of the Police to conduct frequent surprise raids at these places and nab the offenders to check the menace of eveteasing.CCTV Cameras must be installed at the busy places which are more prone to eveteasing.Police personnel, especially female cops must be deployed near colleges,girl schools, tuition centres, parks, religious places etc on the lines of ‘Operation Shishtachar’ launched by Delhi Police sometime ago and the antisocial elements should be arrested and exemplary punishment awarded to them to serve as a deterrent to this menace.Moreover, big boards regarding the punishment to the offenders should be displayed in and around the precincts of colleges, schools and other such places to warn the eveteasers against committing such an offence.Girls and women too should avoid moving alone at night and move about in groups during day.Awareness camps also need to be organised to tell them how to deal with the eveteasers and encourage them to report any such incident to the police without any hesitation.24×7 Police women helpline also needs to be launched for the womenfolk to report any such incident so that timely help can be availed of.
Yours etc…
Ashok Sharma