Make Mission 44+ a success : Rajesh Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent

BJP candidate from Jammu East Rajesh Gupta addressing Party’s Mahila Morcha Workers at Jammu on Sunday.
BJP candidate from Jammu East Rajesh Gupta addressing Party’s Mahila Morcha Workers at Jammu on Sunday.

Jammu, Nov 23: Continuing his election campaign, Rajesh Gupta, the BJP’s candidate for Jammu East today addressed a meeting of women folk in Ward No. 7 which was organized by District Mahila Morcha in Kanji House.  A large number of enthusiastic ladies and party activists participated in the meeting.
Rajesh Gupta, while addressing the meeting said that NC, Congress and PDP who have been ruling the state till date have treated it as a gainful enterprise for themselves and their supporters and colleagues. He added that the whole country is witnessing a total change of attitude and ambiance of the governance and it is high time this State also effects a total political change by voting for BJP and making its Mission 44+ a success.
Citing the example of evacuee department and expressing empathy and concern for the tenants of evacuee property who have been living in these dilapidated houses for more than three generations, Gupta said they are at the mercy of the politicians of the ruling parties. A large number of people of Jammu East are putting up in these premises. The properties left by the West Pakistani and PoK refugees in Pakistan have long back expropriated and distributed among its people and on the contrary the people who are tenants of evacuee property in J&K are only its care takers and are always under the threat of dispossession and eviction. Calling the Evacuee Department a historical anachronism which reveals the negative and sectarian bent of mind of the J&K government he said, the BJP would disband the department and confer the ownership rights on the occupants when voted to power.
Purnima Sharma, Rajni Sethi, Ramesh Sharma, Parveen Arora, Varun Malhotra, Saroj, Sangeeta Anand, Gulshan Mahajan, Kuldeep Kandhari, Sunil Dogra and others accompanied Rajesh Gupta.