Ladakh offers ‘Tenshug’ to Dalai Lama for his longevity

People offering Tenshug to Dalai Lama at Jeve-Tsal at Leh on Friday.
People offering Tenshug to Dalai Lama at Jeve-Tsal at Leh on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent

Leh, July, 31: Thousands of monks, nuns, students and general masses including large number of foreign visitors thronged Jeve-Tsal Shey to attend the teaching ceremony of Dalai Lama followed by (Tenshug) offering ceremony to the Buddhist spiritual head today.
Braving the scorching sunny day devotees in large number attended the teaching with great devotion and faith. Programme started with debate among monks followed by Dalai Lama address to the gathering.
Reiterating his statement for developing love, compassion, affection among 7 billion humans being in the universe, he said that “brain is developed in such way that it becomes adoptable to whichever it used therefore we have to think what we have to do and mankind having special ability to think has made tremendous progress in material and physical development due to number of technologies but the million dollar question is whether we are happy or not and today we have gathered here to calm our mind and find how to achieve peaceful mind”.
He added that despite tremendous progress made in term of wealth all over the world there is huge gap between rich and poor just because of the lack of love and compassion towards each other and due to wrong act of people which is a big mistake said Dalai Lama and further added that science had clearly proved that negative emotions such as fear, anger and anxiety lead to our decline in the immune system resulting in ill health whereas positive emotions such as love, compassion and caring for other actually enhance the physical well-being. He went on to say that the main principal of Buddha teaching in four noble truths, the truth of suffering, its cause, its cessation and path to that. The focus of the second turning of the wheel of Dharma was the perfection of wisdom teaching that essentially elaborates on the final two truths, cessation and the path. During the third turning of the wheel, the Buddha taught the nature of the mind, which is clarify and awareness. The three poisons which disturbs our emotion are desire, hatred and ignorance and we should know how to tackle these problems we need to use our intelligence to develop wisdom and what we learn or read without analysis is nothing stressed, he said.
Later, he gave long life (White Tara) empowerment teaching to the gathering.
Keeping in view of significance importance of Dalai Lama completing his 80th birth anniversary this 6th July, Ladakh offers impressive “Tenshug” ceremony prayer for longevity of the spiritual leader. Dalai Lama added that real ‘Tenshug’ is the love, trust and devotion you people have toward me and I want you to show the same towards all sentient beings to have harmonious and peaceful society.
Some one hundred and eighty people including his the supreme 102nd Galdan Tripa Rizong Sastrul Jetsun Thupstan Nima Lungrtoks Stanzin Norbu, the all knowing compassionate masters and 15 delegates each from other communities such as Anjuman Imamiya led by its president Asharf Ali Barcha, Anjuman Moin-Ul Islam led by president Sheikh Saif-Ud-Din and Christian Community led by President David Sonam also offered Tenshug to Dalai Lama on the concluding day teaching.
In his concluding speech to the Tibetans in Ladakh, he added that he took retirement from active politics in 2011 to pay way for a democratic form of Government for Tibetan people but that doesn’t mean I lost the patriotic feeling or my responsibility towards Tibetan community “Rather it increase the responsibility as people in and out of Tibet continues to entrust great hope and trust and the Tibet spirit is as high as ever before,” said Dalai Lama while urging to preserve the Tibetan language and culture.