KU VC interacts with Deans, Heads, Directors

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Oct 29: After taking over as Vice Chancellor University of Kashmir, Prof Khurshid I Andrabi held his first interaction today with the Deans of various faculties, Heads and Directors of various departments, institutes and Centres of the varsity.
During the interaction, the VC emphasized on the need to bring a major shift in the existing  teaching-learning pedagogy and mode of research so as to take the University to new heights of academic excellence.
Stressing on the need to expand and provide quality education Prof Andrabi said that accountability and punctuality will not be compromised at any cost and student- teacher evaluation mechanism will be strengthened more than ever before.
“As part of an interim arrangement the Directorate of Internal Quality Assurance (DIQA) will make surprise visits/inspections to various departments/centres/institutions and get feedback from the students and scholars about the quality of teaching. This will help in bringing more accountability till some permanent mechanism is put in place in terms of student-teacher evaluation,” said Prof Andrabi.
The Vice Chancellor said that a review committee would be constituted in each department and faculty that would review the syllabus and curriculum after seeking the feedback from the students before the students are put to examination.
VC also sought feedback from various members of the teaching fraternity who presented their views on various issues confronted by the teaching fraternity in particular and students in general.
On Choice-Based –Credit Based system, Prof Andarbi said that he would personally ensure that initial hiccups which have surfaced in the implementation of this system will be overcome in due course of time.
Dean Academic Affairs KU Prof MA Wani, DC Prof GM Shah, Registrar KU Prof Zaffar A Reishi and Controller Exams Prof AS Bhat were also present on the occasion.